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    Supervision and Consultation

    Professional Consultation

    Professional consultation for elements of practice start-up and management are available. Reach out to for a brief consultation to discuss if we can meet your needs.

    $150 per hour 

    Clinical Consultation

    Clinical consultation is an important part of ongoing professional development for any clinician, regardless of how long in the field. Working in private practice can be isolating and it may be difficult to find opportunities for ongoing or as needed clinical consultation. 

    Consultation can be a very useful practice in many situations.

    • When feeling stuck with a certain client, type of client, or presenting issue
    • When seeking an opportunity to learn more about a specialized area
    • When working to develop skills
    • When facing an ethical decision that needs to be made

    MWR Counseling has Clinicians trained and experienced to provide consultation in the following areas:

    • OCD and ERP
    • Maternal mental health
    • Trauma and toxic stress
    • Trauma responsive yoga and somatic interventions
    • Working with adults with ID
    • Incorporating DBT skills

    Rates variable based upon consultation focus. Please send inquiries to

    Clinical Supervision

    At MWR, we take pride in being able to provide high quality clinical supervision for our team and our counseling interns as well as for clinicians practicing in our community and beyond. Clinical supervision is offered for temporary licensees seeking individual or group supervision as well as for fully licensed providers who are looking for ongoing support and professional development. 

    Reach out to to discuss rates/availability. 

    Current Opportunities

    Megan Rose, LMHC, BICBT-CC is currently available for group and individual supervision. She has extensive experience providing clinical supervision, and can be reached at for more information.